Daniela Thumala, Brian K. Kennedy, Esteban Calvo, Christian Gonzalez-Billault, Pedro Zitko, Patricia Lillo, Roque Villagra, Agustín Ibáñez, Rodrigo Assar, María del Carmen Andrade & Andrea Slachevsky. Aging and health policies in Chile: new agendas for research. 2017

Daniela Thumala, Brian K. Kennedy, Esteban Calvo, Christian Gonzalez-Billault, Pedro Zitko, Patricia Lillo, Roque Villagra, Agustín Ibáñez, Rodrigo Assar, María del Carmen Andrade & Andrea Slachevsky. Aging and health policies in Chile: new agendas for research. 2017

Aging and health policies in Chile: new agendas for research

AUTORES Daniela Thumala, Brian K. Kennedy, Esteban Calvo, Christian Gonzalez-Billault, Pedro Zitko, Patricia Lillo, Roque Villagra, Agustín Ibáñez, Rodrigo Assar, María del Carmen Andrade & Andrea Slachevsky
AÑO 2017
JOURNAL Health Systems & Reform
VOLUMEN July 13, 2017

Population aging is among the most important global transformations. Compared to European and North American countries, Chile is among the countries with the fastest growth of life expectancy at birth during recent decades. The aging of Chile’s population is related to the improvement of living conditions, but also entails risks that tend to be associated with a rapid economic growth accompanied by large income inequalities and a chronic deficit of basic social benefits. The rapid demographic transition towards an aged population has unfolded in a context of poor development of public policies to tackle the opportunities and needs associated with an aging society. This article provides a brief overview of current Chilean public policy on aging, with a focus on healthy aging as defined by World Health Organization (WHO). The discussion addresses core challenges to successfully achieve healthy aging in Chile.

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