Merello M, Starkstein S, Petracca G, Cataneo EA, Manes F, Leiguarda R.  Drug-induced parkinsonism in schizophrenic patients: motor response and psychiatric changes after acute challenge with L-Dopa and apomorphine. Clinical neuropharmacology 1996

Merello M, Starkstein S, Petracca G, Cataneo EA, Manes F, Leiguarda R.  Drug-induced parkinsonism in schizophrenic patients: motor response and psychiatric changes after acute challenge with L-Dopa and apomorphine. Clinical neuropharmacology 1996

Drug-induced parkinsonism in schizophrenic patients: motor response and psychiatric changes after acute challenge with L-Dopa and apomorphine.

Autores Merello M, Starkstein S, Petracca G, Cataneo EA, Manes F, Leiguarda R. 
Año 1996
Journal  Merello M, Starkstein S, Petracca G, Cataneo EA, Manes F, Leiguarda R. 
Volumen 19(5): 439-443
Abstract  Acute single-dose response of drug-induced parkinsonism (DIP) to L-Dopa and apomorphine challenge was evaluated in a double-blind crossover study in 12 schizophrenic patients. There were two noteworthy negative findings. First, neither L-Dopa nor apomorphine produced significant improvements in DIP and second, no changes (neither improvement nor worsening) were found in patients’ psychiatric status. Findings suggest that, for a stimulation dose reaching almost 90% of the responsive dose for idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, no significant changes may reasonably be expected in the parkinsonism of schizophrenic patients treated with neuroleptic drugs.
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