Bekinschtein T, Coleman MR, Niklison J 3rd, Pickard JD, Manes F.  Can electromyography objectively detect voluntary movement in Disorders of Consciousness?. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2008

Bekinschtein T, Coleman MR, Niklison J 3rd, Pickard JD, Manes F.  Can electromyography objectively detect voluntary movement in Disorders of Consciousness?. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 2008

Can electromyography objectively detect voluntary movement in Disorders of Consciousness?.

Autores Bekinschtein T, Coleman MR, Niklison J 3rd, Pickard JD, Manes F. 
Año 2008
Journal  Bekinschtein T, Coleman MR, Niklison J 3rd, Pickard JD, Manes F. 
Volumen 79(7): 826-828
Abstract  Determining conscious processing in unresponsive patients relies on subjective behavioural assessment. Using data from hand electromyography, the authors studied the occurrence of subthreshold muscle activity in response to verbal command, as an objective indicator of awareness in 10 disorders of consciousness patients. One out of eight vegetative state patients and both minimally conscious patients (n = 2) demonstrated an increased electromyography signal specifically linked to command. These findings suggest electromyography could be used to assess awareness objectively in pathologies of consciousness.
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