Ibanez A, Haye A, Gonzalez R, Hurtado E, Henriquez R.  Multi-level analysis of cultural phenomena: The role of ERPs approach to prejudice. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 2009

Ibanez A, Haye A, Gonzalez R, Hurtado E, Henriquez R.  Multi-level analysis of cultural phenomena: The role of ERPs approach to prejudice. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 2009

Multi-level analysis of cultural phenomena: The role of ERPs approach to prejudice.

Autores Ibanez A, Haye A, Gonzalez R, Hurtado E, Henriquez R. 
Año 2009
Journal  Ibanez A, Haye A, Gonzalez R, Hurtado E, Henriquez R. 
Volumen 39(1): 81-110
Abstract  Brain processes and social processes are not as separated as many of our Social Psychology and Neuroscience departments. This paper discusses the potential contribution of social neuroscience to the development of a multi-level, dynamic, and context-sensitive approach to prejudice. Specifically, the authors review research on event related potentials during social bias, stereotypes, and social attitudes measurements, showing that electrophysiological methods are powerful tools for analyzing the temporal fine-dynamics of psychological processes involved in implicit and explicit prejudice. Meta-theoretical implications are drawn regarding the social psychological modeling of social attitudes, and for the integration of social neuroscience into a multi-level account of cultural behavior.
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