Wilson MA, Martinez Cuitiño M.  Semantic dementia without surface dyslexia in Spanish: Unimpaired reading with impaired semantics. Behavioural Neurology 2012 10.3758/s13415-013-0205-3

Wilson MA, Martinez Cuitiño M.  Semantic dementia without surface dyslexia in Spanish: Unimpaired reading with impaired semantics. Behavioural Neurology 2012 10.3758/s13415-013-0205-3

Semantic dementia without surface dyslexia in Spanish: Unimpaired reading with impaired semantics.

Autores Wilson MA, Martinez Cuitiño M. 
Año 2012
Journal  Wilson MA, Martinez Cuitiño M. 
Volumen 25: 273-284
Abstract  Surface dyslexia has been attributed to an overreliance on the sub-lexical route for reading. Typically, surface dyslexic patients commit regularisation errors when reading irregular words. Also, semantic dementia has often been associated with surface dyslexia, leading to some explanations of the reading impairment that stress the role of semantics in irregular word reading. Nevertheless, some patients have been reported with unimpaired ability to read irregular words, even though they show severe comprehension impairment. We present the case of M.B., the first Spanish-speaking semantic dementia patient to be reported who shows unimpaired reading of non-words, regular words, and – most strikingly – irregular loan words. M.B. has severely impaired comprehension of the same words he reads correctly (whether regular or irregular). We argue that M.B.’s pattern of performance shows that irregular words can be correctly read even with impaired semantic knowledge corresponding to those words.
Otra información  Se presenta un paciente con demencia semántica y alexia de superficie en español. Muchos de los pacientes con este subtipo de alexia muestran importantes dificultades en la lectura en voz alta y comprensión de palabras de ortografía irregular (la fonología no se deriva de la ortografía). Sólo unos pocos pacientes reportados en lenguas opacas son capaces de leer correctamente palabras irregulares. MB es el primer paciente con alexia de superficie en español sin problemas en la lectura en voz alta de no-palabras, palabras regulares y palabras irregulares (palabras importadas como shampoo o bijouterie) y dificultades en la comprensión.


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