More than words: Social cognition deficits across variants of primary progressive aphasia. 2019

More than words: Social cognition deficits across variants of primary progressive aphasia. 2019


Fittipaldi S, Ibáñez A, Báez S, Sedeño L, Manes F & García AM

JOURNAL Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100, 263-284.
VOLUMEN Marzo, 2019
ABSTRACT Although primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is clinically typified by linguistic impairments, emerging evidence
highlights the presence of early deficits in social cognition. This review systematically describes the latter
patterns, specifying their relation to the characteristic linguistic dysfunctions and atrophy patterns of non-fluent,
semantic, and logopenic variants of the disease (nfvPPA, svPPA, and lvPPA, respectively), relative to closely
related dementia types. Whereas the evidence on lvPPA proves scant, studies on nfvPPA and svPPA patients

show consistent deficits in emotion recognition, theory of mind, and empathy. Notably, these seem to be in-
tertwined with language impairments in nfvPPA, but they prove primary and independent of language dis-
turbances in svPPA. Also, only the profile of svPPA resembles that of behavioral variant frontotemporal de-
mentia, probably reflecting the overlap of fronto-temporal disruptions in both conditions. In short, the

neurocognitive relationship between linguistic and socio-cognitive deficits cannot be precisely predicated for
PPA as a whole; instead, specific links must be acknowledged in each variant. These emergent patterns pave the
way for fruitful dimensional research in the field.

  En esta revisión sistemática reseñamos los estudios disponibles sobre trastornos de cognición social en las tres variantes de la afasia progresiva primaria. La evidencia indica que las variantes no fluente y semántica de este síndrome es caracterizan por déficits de procesamiento emocional, teoría de la mente y empatía. Sin embargo, sólo en la variante no fluente se advierte una interrelación entre tales patrones y las dificultades lingüísticas (en la variante semántica, los déficits de cognición social parecen ser independientes de los lingüísticos). Por otra parte, la evidencia sobre la variante logopénica es incipiente y aún no admite conclusiones robustas. En síntesis, los patrones detectados en este trabajo abren nuevos caminos para investigaciones mutidimensionales provechosas en el campo.
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