The embodied penman: Effector-specific motor-language integration during handwriting. 2019

The embodied penman: Effector-specific motor-language integration during handwriting. 2019

AUTORES Afonso O, Suárez-Coalla P, Cuetos F, Ibáñez A, Sedeño L. & García AM
JOURNAL Cognitive Science
VOLUMEN Volume43, Issue7
ABSTRACT Several studies have illuminated how processing manual action verbs (MaVs) affects the programming or execution of concurrent hand movements. Here, to circumvent key confounds in extant designs, we conducted the first assessment of motor–language integration during handwriting—a task in which linguistic and motoric processes are co‐substantiated. Participants copied MaVs, non‐manual action verbs, and non‐action verbs as we collected measures of motor programming and motor execution. Programming latencies were similar across conditions, but execution was faster for MaVs than for the other categories, regardless of whether word meanings were accessed implicitly or explicitly. In line with the Hand‐Action‐Network Dynamic Language Embodiment (HANDLE) model, such findings suggest that effector‐congruent verbs can prime manual movements even during highly automatized tasks in which motoric and verbal processes are naturally intertwined. Our paradigm opens new avenues for fine‐grained explorations of embodied language processes.
En este estudio evaluamos la integración de procesos lingüísticos y motóricos mediante un nuevo paradigma basado en escritura a mano alzada. Mediante un bolígrafo digital, los participantes copiaron tres tipos de verbos en una Tablet, a saber: verbos de acción manual, verbos de acción no manual y verbos abstractos. Encontramos que, independientemente del nivel de procesamiento requerido por la tarea, los verbos de acción manual se escribieron más rápido, lo cual sugiere que cuando el significado evocado por una palabra coincide con el miembro empleado para realizar una acción, se activan mecanismos compartidos que pueden facilitar el movimiento corporal.
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