Percibir, aprender y ser consciente de los estados internos: dimensiones interoceptivas en modelos de lesión. 2019

AUTORES García-Cordero, I., Sedeño, L., de la Fuente, L., Slachevsky, A., Forno, G., Klein, F., Lillo, P., Ferrari, J., Rodriguez, C., Bustin, J., Torralva, T., Morales, A., Muñoz, E., Baez, S., Yoris, A., Esteves, S., Melloni, M., Salamone, P., Huepe, D., Manes, F., García, A. M. & Ibáñez, A. 2019 JOURNAL Cuadernos de Neuropsicología12(3), 1-22. … Leer más

Assessment of Conjunctive Binding in Aging: A Promising Approach for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection. 2019

AUTORES Martínez JF, Trujillo C, Arévalo A, Ibáñez A, Cardona JF. 2019 JOURNAL J Alzheimers Dis. VOLUMEN Abril, 2019 ABSTRACT The visual experience of objects lies in the ability to perceive and integrate their constitutive features. Conjunctive binding (CB) is the cognitive function that integrates the features of objects as wholes. This review covers the … Leer más

Network analysis through the use of Joint-Distribution Entropy on EEG recordings of MCI Patients during a visual short-term memory binding task. 2019

AUTORES Josefsson A, Ibanez A, Parra M, Escudero J. 2019 JOURNAL IET Healthcare Technology Letters, 2019 VOLUMEN Enero, 2019 ABSTRACT The early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is particularly challenging. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has been linked to AD and electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings are able to measure brain activity directly with high temporal resolution. In … Leer más

More than words: Social cognition deficits across variants of primary progressive aphasia. 2019

AUTORES Fittipaldi S, Ibáñez A, Báez S, Sedeño L, Manes F & García AM   2019 JOURNAL Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 100, 263-284. VOLUMEN Marzo, 2019 ABSTRACT Although primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is clinically typified by linguistic impairments, emerging evidence highlights the presence of early deficits in social cognition. This review systematically describes the latter … Leer más

Rethinking the neural basis of prosody and non-literal language: Spared pragmatics and cognitive compensation in a bilingual with extensive right-hemisphere damage. 2019

AUTORES Calvo N, Abrevaya S, Martínez Cuitiño M, Steeb B, Zamora D, Sedeño L, Ibáñez A & García AM 2019 JOURNAL Frontiers in Psychology 10, 570 VOLUMEN Marzo, 2019 ABSTRACT Above and beyond the critical contributions of left perisylvian regions to language, the neural networks supporting pragmatic aspects of verbal communication in native and non-native … Leer más

Multimodal neurocognitive markers of interoceptive tuning in smoked cocaine. 2019

AUTORES de la Fuente A, Sedeño L, Vignaga SS, Ellmann C, Sonzogni S, Belluscio L, García-Cordero I, Castagnaro E, Boano M, Cetkovitch M, Torralva T, Cánepa ET, Tagliazucchi E, Garcia AM, Ibañez A.  2019 JOURNAL Neuropsychopharmacology. VOLUMEN Febrero, 2019 ABSTRACT Contemporary neurocognitive models of drug addiction have associated this condition with changes in interoception —namely, the … Leer más

Out of Context, Beyond the Face: Neuroanatomical Pathways of Emotional Face-Body Language Integration in Adolescent Offenders. 2019

AUTORES Santamaría-García H, Ibáñez A, Montaño S, García AM, Patiño-Saenz M, Idarraga C, Pino M, Baez S.   2019 JOURNAL Front Behav Neurosci. VOLUMEN Febrero, 2019 RESUMEN En este trabajo demostramos que los adolescentes encarcelados tienden a sobrevalorar las señales contextuales en el reconocimiento de emociones, presentando diferencias en áreas cerebrales críticas para el procesamiento … Leer más

Insular networks and intercognition in the wild. Ibáñez A. 2019

AUTORES Ibáñez A.   2019 JOURNAL Cortex. VOLUMEN Febrero, 2019 ABSTRACT Studies on the neurocognitive deficits in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) have provided evidence that highlights the differences among two views of cognition: the social cognition in the wild (i.e., everyday behavior) and the compartmentalized social cognition of neuroscientific labo-ratories. The bvFTD is a … Leer más