Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination III in the diagnosis of dementia: a critical review. Bruno D., Schurmann Vignaga S. 2019

AUTORES Bruno D., Schurmann Vignaga S.   2019 JOURNAL Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. VOLUMEN Febrero, 2019 ABSTRACT Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination III is a screening test that is composed of tests of attention, orientation, memory, language, visual perceptual and visuospatial skills. It is useful in the detection of cognitive impairment, especially in the detection of Alzheimer’s … Leer más

Taxing the bilingual mind: Effects of simultaneous interpreting experience on verbal and executive mechanisms. García AM., Muñoz E. & Kogan B. 2019

AUTORES García AM., Muñoz E. & Kogan B. 2019 JOURNAL Language and Cognition VOLUMEN Febrero, 2019 ABSTRACT This paper reviews the neurocognitive particularities of subjects with sustained experience in simultaneous interpreting, a highly demanding form of bilingual processing. The literature converges into three broad empirical patterns. First, significant neurocognitive differences, including behavioral enhancements in verbal … Leer más

Reading Shakespearean tropes in a foreign tongue: Age of L2 acquisition modulates neural responses to functional shifts. 2019

AUTORES Vilas M, Santilli M, Mikulan E, Adolfi F, Martorell Caro M, Manes F, Herrera E, Sedeño L, Ibáñez A & García AM AÑO 2019 JOURNAL Neuropsychologia 124, 79-86. 2019. VOLUMEN Enero, 2019 ABSTRACT Functional shifts (FSs) – morphosyntactically marked words evoking coherent but novel meanings – are ubi- quitous in English and, specially, in … Leer más

Disarming Ex-Combatants’ Minds: Toward Situated Reintegration Process in Post-conflict Colombia. Baez S, Santamaría-García H, Ibáñez A. 2019

AUTORES Baez S, Santamaría-García H, Ibáñez A AÑO 2019 JOURNAL Front. Psychol. VOLUMEN Febrero, 2019 ABSTRACT Collective violence in the context of armed conflict impacts the economy, health systems, and social stability of affected countries. This is considered a complex phenomenon with interwoven biological, psychological, social, cultural, and political factors. However, most of the research … Leer más

The Lara case: A group analysis of initial psychoanalytic interviews using systematic clinical observation and empirical tools. Rodríguez Quiroga de Pereira A., Borensztein L., Corbella V. & Marengo J.C. 2019

AUTORES Rodríguez Quiroga de Pereira A., Borensztein L., Corbella V. & Marengo J.C. AÑO 2019 JOURNAL The International Journal of Psychoanalysis VOLUMEN Enero, 2019 ABSTRACT With the objective of analysing the usefulness of empirical criteria for observing psychoanalytic cases, this article describes an experience of systematic clinical observation carried out by the Psychodynamic Clinical Research … Leer más

Grounding translation and interpreting in the brain: what has been, can be, and must be done. Muñoz E, Calvo N & García AM. 2018

AUTORES Muñoz E, Calvo N & García AM AÑO 2018 JOURNAL Grounding translation and interpreting in the brain: what has been, can be, and must be done. VOLUMEN Noviembre, 2018 ABSTRACT This paper offers an overview of neurocognitive research on translation and interpreting, an area whose history spans almost 100 years. First, we identify the … Leer más

Roca M., Manes F. 2019. Cerebros en construcción

Cerebros en construcción Autores Roca M., Manes F. Año 2019 Lugar Buenos Aires Editor Ediciones Planeta Abstract ¿Por qué un libro que ayude a los niños a cuidar y potenciar su cerebro? Porque el recurso intelectual de una sociedad es el principal capital con el que cuenta para su desarrollo. Cuidar y proteger este capital … Leer más

Torralva T. 2019. Cerebro adolescente: riesgos y oportunidades

Cerebro adolescente: riesgos y oportunidades Autores Dra. Teresa Torralva Año 2019 Lugar Buenos Aires Editor Ediciones Paidós Abstract La adolescencia es una etapa crítica entre la niñez y la adultez que trae importantes cambios tanto para los propios adolescentes, que se preparan para lanzarse al mundo, como para sus padres, ansiosos y asustados de ver … Leer más