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Couto JB, Sedeño L, Ibanez A. Interocepción y corteza insular: convergencia multimodal y surgimiento de la conciencia corporal. Revista Chilena de Neuropsicología 2012 7(1): 21-25 12/06/2015 By Ineco Interocepción y corteza insular: convergencia multimodal y surgimiento de la conciencia corporal.
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Hornberger M, Yew B, Gilardoni S, Mioshi E, Gleichgerrcht E, Manes F, Hodges J R. Ventromedial-frontopolar prefrontal cortex atrophy correlates with insight loss in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimers disease. Human Brain Mapping 2012 35(2):616-26 10.1002/hbm.22200 12/06/2015 By Ineco Ventromedial-frontopolar prefrontal cortex atrophy correlates with insight loss in frontotemporal dementia and Alzheimers disease.
Báez S, Rattazzi A, González-Gadea ML, Torralva T, Vigliecca NS, Decety J, Manes F, Ibanez A Integrating intention and context: assessing social cognition in adults with Asperger syndrome. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012 6: 302. 12/06/2015 By Ineco Integrating intention and context: assessing social cognition in adults with Asperger syndrome.
Ibanez A, Urquina H, Petroni A, Báez S, Lopez V, do Nascimento M, Herrera E, Guex R, Hurtado E, Blenkmann A, Beltrachini L, Gelormini C, Sigman M, Lischinsky A, Torralva T, Torrente F, Cetkovich M, Manes F. Neural processing of emotional facial and semantic expressions in euthymic bipolar disorder (BD) and its association with theory of mind (ToM). PloS One 2012 7(10): e46877 12/06/2015 By Ineco Neural processing of emotional facial and semantic expressions in euthymic bipolar disorder (BD) and its association with theory of mind (ToM).
Amoruso L, Cardona JF, Melloni M, Sedeño L, Ibanez A. Contextual Impairments in Schizophrenia and the FN400. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2012 6: 191. 12/06/2015 By Ineco Contextual Impairments in Schizophrenia and the FN400.
Couto JB, Sedeño L, Sposato L, Sigman M, Riccio PM, Salles A, Lopez V, Johannes Schroeder, Manes F, Ibanez A. Insular networks for emotional processing and social cognition: comparison of two case reports with either cortical or subcortical involvement. Cortex 2012 S0010-9452(12): 245-6 12/06/2015 By Ineco Insular networks for emotional processing and social cognition: comparison of two case reports with either cortical or subcortical involvement.
Manes F, Báez S, Couto JB, Herrera E, Trujillo-Orrego N, Cardona JF, Ibanez A. Psychiatric Conditions That Can Mimic Early Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia: The Importance of the New Diagnostic Criteria. Current Psychiatry Reports 2012 14(5): 450-452 12/06/2015 By Ineco Psychiatric Conditions That Can Mimic Early Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia: The Importance of the New Diagnostic Criteria.