Bekinschtein T, Manes F, Villarreal M, Owen A, Della-Maggiore V. Functional imaging reveals movement preparatory activity in the vegetative State. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2011 5: 1-11 12/06/2015 By Ineco Functional imaging reveals movement preparatory activity in the vegetative State.
Torralva T, Gleichgerrcht E, Lischinsky A, Roca M, Manes F. «Ecological» and Highly Demanding Executive Tasks Detect Real-Life Deficits in High-Functioning Adult ADHD Patients. Journal of Attention Disorders 2012 17(1): 11-19. 12/06/2015 By Ineco «Ecological» and Highly Demanding Executive Tasks Detect Real-Life Deficits in High-Functioning Adult ADHD Patients.
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Gleichgerrcht E, Torralva T, Rattazzi A, Marenco V, Roca M, Manes F. Selective impairment of cognitive empathy for moral judgment in adults with high functioning autism. Social Cognitive and Affective Neurosciences 2012 8(7):780-8 10.1093/scan/nss067 12/06/2015 By Ineco Selective impairment of cognitive empathy for moral judgment in adults with high functioning autism.
Lambon Ralph M, Sage K, Heredia C, Berthier M, Martinez Cuitiño M, Torralva T, Manes F. The impact of degraded semantic representations on knowledge of grammatical gender in semantic dementia. Acta Neuropsychologica 2011 9(2): 115-131 12/06/2015 By Ineco The impact of degraded semantic representations on knowledge of grammatical gender in semantic dementia.
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Dufey M, Hurtado E, Fernandez HH, Manes F, Ibanez A. Exploring the relationship between vagal tone and event-related potentials in response to an affective picture task. Social Neuroscience 2011 6(1): 48-62 12/06/2015 By Ineco Exploring the relationship between vagal tone and event-related potentials in response to an affective picture task.
Ibanez A, Hurtado E, Riveros R, Urquina H, Cardona JF, Petroni A, Lobos, Barutta J, Báez S, Manes F. Facial and semantic emotional interference: A pilot study on the behavioral and cortical responses to the dual valence association task. Behavioral and brain functions 2011 13(7): 8 12/06/2015 By Ineco Facial and semantic emotional interference: A pilot study on the behavioral and cortical responses to the dual valence association task.
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Sposato L, Loli PL, Esnaola y Rojas MM, Saposnik G. Unemployment: A Social Risk Factor Associated with Early Ischemic Stroke Mortality? Results from the Argentinean National Stroke Registry (ReNACer). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2011 21(8):679-83 12/06/2015 By Ineco Unemployment: A Social Risk Factor Associated with Early Ischemic Stroke Mortality? Results from the Argentinean National Stroke Registry (ReNACer).