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Hurtado E, Haye A, Gonzalez R, Manes F, Ibanez A. Contextual blending of ingroup/outgroup face stimuli and word valence: LPP modulation and convergence of measures. BMC neuroscience 2009 10(69) 10.1186/1471-2202-10-69 12/06/2015 By Ineco Contextual blending of ingroup/outgroup face stimuli and word valence: LPP modulation and convergence of measures.
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Torralva T, Roca M, Gleichgerrcht E, Bekinschtein T, Manes F. A Neuropsychological Battery to Detect Specific Executive and Social Cognitive impairments in Early Frontotemporal Dementia. Brain 2009 132(5): 1299-1309 12/06/2015 By Ineco A Neuropsychological Battery to Detect Specific Executive and Social Cognitive impairments in Early Frontotemporal Dementia.
Aravena P, Hurtado E, Riveros R, Cardona JF, Manes F, Ibanez A. Applauding with closed hands: Neural signature of action sentence compatibility effects. PloS One 2010 5(7): e11751 12/06/2015 By Ineco Applauding with closed hands: Neural signature of action sentence compatibility effects.