Hematoma intramedular cérvico-dorsal en paciente con Enfermedad de Pompe 20/03/2015 By Ineco 50° Congreso Argentino de Neurología – Mar del Plata SNA – 11/2013
¿Qué ocurre cuando no sientes tu cuerpo?: Interocepción, conectividad funcional y empatía en un paciente con Desorden de Despersonalización 20/03/2015 By Ineco 22º Congreso Internacional de Psiquiatría – Buenos Aires Asociación Argentina de Psiquiatría – 11/2013
¿Cuánto saben los médicos sobre demencia en Latinoamérica? 20/03/2015 By Ineco XXVIII Congreso Argentino de Psiquiatría – Mar del Plata APSA – 6/2014
Extrapyramidal signs across variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia 20/03/2015 By Ineco 18th international Congress of Parkinson´s disease and movement disorders – Stockholm International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society – 6/2014
Specific vocational and occupational rehabilitation program with a patient with cerebellum injury: Case report 20/03/2015 By Ineco 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists – Yokohama, Japón World Federation of Occupational Therapists – 6/2014
Specific Work Intergration Program with a patient with TBI: Case Report 20/03/2015 By Ineco 10th World Congress on Brain Injury – San Francisco, USA IBIA – 6/2014
Occupational Therapy intervention in a rare disorder: Aggressive Fibromatosis. A case report 20/03/2015 By Ineco 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists – Yokohama, Japón World Federation of Occupational Therapists – 6/2014
Assessment of Motor and Process Skills in an Argentinean patient with frontal lobe syndrome: where should we focus? 20/03/2015 By Ineco 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists – Yokohama, Japón World Federation of Occupational Therapists – 6/2014
Participation Assessment With Recombined Tools (PART-OS) used after TBI: Transcultural adaptation and validation for the spanish argentinean population 20/03/2015 By Ineco 16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists – Yokohama, Japón World Federation of Occupational Therapists – 6/2014
Procesamiento semántico concreto y abstracto en pacientes con demencia semántica 20/03/2015 By Ineco XVI Congreso Argentino de Neuropsiquiatría y Neurociencia Cognitiva – Buenos Aires ANA/ INA – 8/2014