Cetkovich M.  Early diagnosis of schizophrenic psychosis. Vertex 2003

Cetkovich M.  Early diagnosis of schizophrenic psychosis. Vertex 2003

Early diagnosis of schizophrenic psychosis.

Autores Cetkovich M. 
Año 2003
Journal  Cetkovich M. 
Volumen 14(53): 199-205
Abstract  Schizophrenia is an illness characterized by its syndromic polimorphism and a global impairment of personality traits, that means a lot of suffering for patients and their families. Lately, under the framework of the «neurodevelopmental theory of schizophrenia «, the scientific community has paid attention to the need of detecting the illness before onset or as soon as possible. The study of premorbid personality traits, as «schizotaxia » or schizoid or schyzotypal personality, altogether with the study of the so called «basic symptoms » an premorbid states are designed to detect at risk subjects. The need of not waiting until acute onset syndromes in an attempt to more early interventions, due to the fact that there is strong evidence about the existence of early symptoms which proper identification will allow, in the future, to identify subjects at risk an earlier interventions. In this paper we will review only some of the great number of papers recently published on the subject.
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