Buenos Aires

Created in 2008 in our country, boosted by a spirit of leadership, for the development of world-class level neurosciences, INECO Foundation supports research programs aimed at understanding the neurobiological bases of the most complex brain processes, and fosters academic projects intended for upgrading prevention, detection and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

To that end, the INECO Foundation develops its work on the basis of four key principles that guide each of its members: interdisciplinary work; the relevance of research projects to society; the international impact of its research; and the generation of awareness on topics of neuroscience in the community.

Relying on this work philosophy, INECO Foundation conveys its innovative findings to train professionals scientifically; to raise awareness and educate the community; and to provide welfare to patients and families suffering from neurological and psychiatric problems.

Email: info@ineco.org.ar
Tel: +54 (11) 4812-0010