Neural bases of moral cognition

Thanks to the deep and complex community life of the human beings, some cognitive functions necessary for establishing and maintaining healthy social interactions have arisen. The ability to judge what is morally correct from what is morally incorrect is perhaps one of the most complex cognitive functions, not only because it requires relying on a … Continued

Language processing and its interrelation with other cognitive functions in different neurological pathologies

Language is one of the major cognitive functions that differentiate us from other animals. It allows us to communicate with the environment and transfer ideas and thoughts. For its proper functioning it requires the participation of other functions such as attention and memory, among many others. Meanwhile, language can be altered after a brain injury. … Continued

Design, adaptation and validation of language assessment tools

Linguistic and sociocultural variables influence language assessment instruments. This is why it is necessary to consider the linguistic peculiarities of language in the different regions, as well as the differences among cultures. Language assessment tools cannot be used just by making an adaptation to the language. For this reason, tools that have been developed for … Continued

Neurobiological bases of language

The INCyT studies the relationship between language and other brain functions such as movement or perception. In addition, researchers at the institute study the bilingual brain, to learn how two languages are organized in the same brain and how they are reconfigured in professional translators and interpreters. Likewise, batteries for the diagnosis of language difficulties … Continued

Neurobiological bases of the social functions

In the area of social cognition, we explore those capacities that allow us to interact socially, such as the recognition of emotions, empathy, social decision making and morality. We also study the neurocognitive bases of these abilities, their relationship with the monitoring of our body’s signals and how alterations are produced in different neuropsychiatric pathologies.

Neurobiological bases of memory and other cognitive functions

Many INCyT researchers dedicate their efforts to understand the functioning of memory and other brain functions such as consciousness, cognitive development, and music processing. How do we learn? How do we forget? Can memories be erased? These and many other questions are being addressed by our researchers.