Design, adaptation and validation of neuropsychological tools

Design, adaptation and validation of neuropsychological tools

This research line of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory aims to provide health professionals with solid tools that allow them to collect data objectively in order to evaluate multiple aspects of the patient, including their cognitive performance, their mood symptoms, their ability to function in daily life, among many others. Under this premise, we have concentrated on the development and validation of useful tools in the evaluation of cognitive functions in the clinical setting. Recently, we have validated in Spanish tools to screen general cognitive status (eg ACE and ACE-R), which are required throughout the Spanish-speaking world for use by specialized and non-specialized personnel as a mechanism to obtain valuable information on functioning. cognitive impairment of the patient, even when human, financial or available time are not sufficient. With this same objective in mind, the group has validated cognitive screening tools for specific domains, with a special interest in the evaluation of executive functions (eg INECO Frontal Screening), as well as in the development of utility scales for the evaluation of activities of daily living (eg ADLQ) that allow obtaining objective measures on the level of functional independence of the patient. As part of this line of research, batteries for evaluating executive functions and social cognition (eg ESCB) have also been developed to increase the sensitivity and specificity of standard cognitive evaluation in order to detect cognitive alterations that occur in the real life, but that cannot be captured by classical laboratory tests in some psychiatric and neurological pathologies. Currently the group is developing useful instruments in the rehabilitation of executive functions and validating questionnaires that allow evaluating the symptoms of psychiatric patients in relation to the parameters of the local population.