An interdisciplinary collaborative initiative dedicated to promote innovative integration between neuroscience and law.
The Institute of Neurosciences and Law (INeDe, for the Spanish acronym) is designed to establish a dialogue between legal sciences and neurosciences, the results of which, from an individual point of view, will improve the quality of life of individuals and, from a social perspective, will improve the quality of the legal institutions.
The brain is the most complex structure of the universe and law is the most complex instrument of social relations. Neurosciences are concerned with analyzing how the brain is organized structurally and functionally. The legal sciences are devoted to examine how the normative organization of society works, that sort of social brain. Understanding how the different elements of the brain interact, originate and condition human behavior is essential for a legal system which mission is exactly to regulate the behaviors of human beings with the mission of ensuring a social, peaceful and prosperous co-existence. The brain and the legal-political regulations are intimately linked, because with the brain we process information for a life in society governed by rules of law. That is why neurosciences and legal sciences cross paths and create a common space of knowledge.