Neuroscience and Society Laboratory

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On many occasions, public policy decisions are based on beliefs which lack of evidence or contrary to scientific and academic consensus. There is a gap between the data, results and analysis of reality produced by scientists and the people in charge of making important decisions that affect the life of societies. This new laboratory was created to be able to transfer the rigorous mechanisms that science has developed to solve social and mental health problems, focusing on how to change behaviours understanding the underlying brain mechanisms to those changes. The laboratory works in conjunction with the foundation’s Institute of Neuroscience and Public Policy. It is a multidisciplinary field and open to proposals and projects from different fields of science. We believe that in order to understand and act on the complex problems of our society, we need many different views on the same issue. We believe that this is one way in which innovative and effective ideas can emerge to improve people’s quality of life and begin to unravel complex social processes at different levels of analysis. Below is a list of ongoing projects in the laboratory. We are always open to new ideas and researchers interested in applying their knowledge and skills pursuing the same objectives.



Directors: Dr. Pedro Bekinschtein, Dr. Fernando Torrente

Scientific director: Dra. Noelia Weisstaub, Independent researcher of CONICET at INCyT