Social modulators that affect the social contagion of false memories and the generation of shared memories.

Social modulators that affect the social contagion of false memories and the generation of shared memories.

The social contagion of memory refers to the process by which we store false information from other people or media with which we interact socially. It is known that there are factors that modulate the susceptibility to generate false memories, for example, the level of confidence in the interlocutor or his hierarchy in a conversation. In this project we are interested in understanding how certain social factors such as membership groups, cooperation and competition affect the social contagion of memory. Furthermore, human beings store information in a shared way, not all of us store the same elements of a shared experience. Shared memory can also be modified by social factors and shape beliefs and behaviors at the social level. This project is especially relevant to understand the phenomenon of proliferation and persistence of false news in social contexts. The results could be important to combat the effects of disinformation.