García A.  Neurocognitive determinants of performance variability among world-language users. Journal of World Languages 2014

García A.  Neurocognitive determinants of performance variability among world-language users. Journal of World Languages 2014

Neurocognitive determinants of performance variability among world-language users.

Autores García A. 
Año 2014
Journal  García A. 
Volumen 1: 60-77
Abstract  Although the notion of world language has been variously defined, most accounts acknowledge inter-user performance variability as a key aspect of the construct. The sociocultural aspects of such a phenomenon have been extensively treated in the literature. However, comparatively little attention has been paid to its neurocognitive underpinnings. This paper addresses the biopsychological bases of performance variability among word-language users, focusing on bilingual speakers of English. Available evidence reveals four neurocognitive determinants of variability, namely manner of appropriation, age of acquisition, level of proficiency, and degree of formal similarity between the native and the non-native language. In its concluding section, the paper highlights the benefits of incorporating neurocognitive evidence into the study and conceptualization of world languages.
Otra información  Este trabajo examina las variables que determinan cómo el cerebro de distintas personas organiza y procesa la información de una misma lengua: el inglés. En particular, se propone que los mecanismos neurocognitivos empleados dependen de las siguientes variables: (i) monolingüismo vs. multilingüismo, (ii) edad de apropiación, (iii) nivel de competencia y (iv) grado de similitud formal entre el inglés y la/s otra/s lengua/s que maneja el individuo.


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