
García A.  La enseñanza de la gramática inglesa en los Diseños Curriculares de la Provincia de Buenos Aires: Una mirada crítica desde la neurolingüística Revista de Educación 2014
Ibanez A, Kuljis R, Matallana D, Manes F.  Bridging psychiatry and neurology through social neuroscience. World psychiatry 2014
Limogi R., Tomio A., Ibanez A. Dynamical predictions of insular hubs for social cognition and their application to stroke. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2014
Richly P, López PL, Gleichgerrcht E, Flichtentrei D, M Prats, R Mastandueno, Bustin J, Cetkovich M.  Psychiatrists’ approach to vascular risk assessment in Latin America. World Journal of Psichiatry 2014
Amoruso L, Sedeño L, Huepe D, Tomio A, Kamienkowsky J, Hurtado E, Cardona JF, Alvarez-González MA, Reiznik A,Sigman M, Manes F, Ibanez A.  Time to Tango: Expertise and contextual anticipation during action observation. NeuroImage 2014 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00299
Roca M, Manes F, Gleichgerrcht E, Ibanez A, González Toledo ME, Marenco V, Bruno D, Torralva T, Sinay V.  Cognitive but not affective Theory of Mind (ToM) deficits in mild Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 2014
González-Gadea ML, Ibanez A, Juliane D, Ramirez Romero D, Abrevaya S, Manes F, Richly P, Roca M.  Different levels of implicit emotional recognition in Posterior Cortical Atrophy (PCA). Neurocase 2014
Torrente F, Pose M, Gleichgerrcht E, Torralva T, López PL, Cetkovich M, Manes F.  Personality Changes in Dementia: Are They Disease Specific and Universal? Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 2014 10.1177/1087054712443153
Ibanez A, Kochen S, Barret L., Moll J., Ruz M. Situated affective and social neuroscience. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014
Gleichgerrcht E, Decety J. The relationship between different facets of empathy, pain perception and compassion fatigue among physicians. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2014 10.1080/17588928.2014.949649
Báez S, Ibanez A, Perez A, Roca M, Gleichgerrcht E, Manes F, Torralva T.  The utility of the IFS (Ineco Frontal Screening) for the executive dysfunction detection in adults with bipolar disorder and ADHD. Psychiatry Research 2014 10.1002/wps.20125
Bertone MS, Dominguez MD, Vallejos M, Muniello J, López PL.  Variables asociadas a la reincidencia delictiva. Master en Psicología Clínica, Legal y Forense 2014 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00503
Mikulan E, Reynaldo L , Ibanez A.  Homuncular Mirrors: Misunderstanding causality in embodied cognition. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2014
Tobon C, Ibanez A, Velilla L, Duque J, Ochoa J, Trujillo-Orrego N, Decety J, Pineda D. Emotional processing in Colombian ex-combatants and its relationship with empathy and executive functions. Social Neuroscience 2014
Ibanez A, Cardona JF, Dos Santos, Yamil Vidal, Blenkmann A, Aravena P, Roca M, Hurtado E, Nerguizian M, Amoruso L,Gómez Arévalo G, Chade AR, Dubrovsky A, Gershanik O, Kochen S, Glenberg A, Manes F, Bekinschtein T.  Motor-language coupling: Direct evidence from early Parkinson’s disease and intracranial cortical recordings. Cortex 2013
Lillo P, Matamala J. M., Valenzuela D, Castillo JL, Ibanez A, Slachevsky A. Overlapping features of frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Revista Médica de Chile 2014
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