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Estructura factorial neurocognitiva de las funciones ejecutivas: evidencia de neurotípicos y demencia frontotemporal
El receptor de serotonina tipo 2a en la corteza prefrontal controla la excitabilidad de la corteza perirrinal durante el reconocimiento de objetos.
Work Patterns and Support Needs of People with Serious Mental Illness
Psychological symptoms, mental fatigue and behavioural adherence after 72 continuous days of strict lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic in Argentina
Frontotemporal Dementias in Latin America: History, Epidemiology, Genetics, and Clinical Research
Psychological Interventions for Sleep Problems during COVID19 Pandemic: What we Know?
Reducing the stigma of mental health disorders with a focus on low- and middle-income countries
Task-specific signatures in the expert brain: differential correlates of translation and reading in professional interpreters
Efectos categoriales en tareas de denominación y categorización de dibujos con y sin color
Alzheimer’s Disease or Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia? Review of Key Points Toward an Accurate Clinical and Neuropsychological Diagnosis
Too late to be grounded? Action words in foreign and newly acquired languages
Fatigue in multiple sclerosis is associated with multimodal interoceptive abnormalities
Evaluating the reliability of neurocognitive biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases across countries: a machine-learning approach
Category or Diagnosticity Effect? The Influence of Color in Picture Naming Tasks
Robust automated computational approach for classifying frontotemporal neurodegeneration: Multimodal/multicenter neuroimaging
Predictors of naming and picture categorization in Spanish
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