
Sposato L, Saposnik G. Letter regarding Article “Incidence of Stroke and Socioeconomic Neighborhood Characteristics: An Ecological Analysis of Dijon Stroke Registry». Stroke 2011
Ibanez A, Hurtado E, Riveros R, Urquina H, Cardona JF, Petroni A, Lobos, Barutta J, Báez S, Manes F.  Facial and semantic emotional interference: A pilot study on the behavioral and cortical responses to the dual valence association task. Behavioral and brain functions 2011
Sposato L, Gleichgerrcht E, Manes F.  Letter Regarding Article “Neurocognitive Improvement After Carotid Artery Stenting in Patients With Chronic Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion and Cerebral Ischemia. Stroke 2011
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Torralva T, Roca M, Gleichgerrcht E, Bonifacio A, Raimondi C, Manes F.  Validation of the Spanish Version of the Revised Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination. Neurología 2011 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.01.020
Manes F, Torralva T, Ibanez A, Roca M, Bekinschtein T, Gleichgerrcht E.  Decision-making in frontotemporal dementia: clinical, theoretical and legal implications. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders 2011
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Ibanez A, Hurtado E, Lobos, Escobar J, Trujillo-Orrego N, Báez S, Huepe D, Manes F, Decety J.  Subliminal presentation of other faces (but not own face) primes behavioral and evoked cortical processing of empathy for pain. International Brain Research Organization 2011
Gleichgerrcht E, Flichtentrei D, Manes F. How much do physicians in Latin America know about behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia?. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2011
Urbistondo C, Macbeth G, Kichic R, Ibanez A.  El modelo fronto-estriado del trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo: Evidencia convergente de estudios de potenciales evocados relacionados a eventos. Revista Virtual de la Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía de la Universidad del Salvador 2011
Sposato L, Loli PL, Esnaola y Rojas MM, Saposnik G.  Unemployment: A Social Risk Factor Associated with Early Ischemic Stroke Mortality? Results from the Argentinean National Stroke Registry (ReNACer). Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 2011 10.1097/WAD.0000000000000030
Ibanez A, Toro P, Cornejo C, Urquina H, Manes F, Weisbrod M, Johannes Schroeder.  High contextual sensitivity of metaphorical expressions and gesture blending: A video ERP design. Psychiatry Research 2011
Glatstein M, Sulowski C, Waisburg CG, Gideon Koren, Garcia-Bournissen F. Severe Extrapiramidal Symptoms After Nonintentional Risperidone Exposure in a Child: Case Report and Review of the Literature. American journal of therapeutics 2011
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