
Gleichgerrcht E, Torralva T, Roca M, Manes F.  Utility of an abbreviated version of the executive and social cognition battery in the detection of executive deficits in early behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia patients. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2010 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00046
Ibanez A, Gleichgerrcht E, Hurtado E, Gonzalez R, Haye A, Manes F.  Early Neural Markers of Implicit Attitudes: N170 Modulated by Intergroup and Evaluative Contexts in IAT. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2010
Lambon Ralph M, Cipolotti L, Manes F, Patterson K.  Taking both sides: do unilateral anterior temporal lobe lesions disrupt semantic memory?. Brain 2010
Ibanez A, Bekinschtein T.  Explaining Seeing? Disentangling qualia from perceptual organization. Cognitive Neuroscience 2010
Barutta J, Gleichgerrcht E, Cornejo C, Ibanez A.  Neurodynamics of mind: The arrow illusion of conscious intentionality as downward causation. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 2010
Rivera-Rei A, Canales-Johnson AF, Huepe D, Ibanez A. The role of consciousness in the urge-for-action. Cognitive Neuroscience 2011 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00212
Roca M, Torralva T, Gleichgerrcht E, Woolgar A, Thompson R, Manes F, John Duncan. The role of Area 10 (BA10) in human multitasking and in social cognition: a lesion study. Neuropsychologia 2011 10.1080/17470919.2014.935474
Ibanez A, Petroni A, Urquina H, Torrente F, Torralva T, Hurtado E, Blenkmann A, Beltrachini L, Muravchik CH, Báez S,Cetkovich M, Sigman M, Lischinsky A, Manes F. Cortical deficits in emotion processing for faces in adults with ADHD: Its relation to social cognition and executive functioning. Social Neuroscience 2011
Barutta J, Cornejo C, Ibanez A.  Theories and theorizers: a contextual approach to theories of cognition. Integrative psychological & behavioral science 2011 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00165
Ibanez A, Gleichgerrcht E, Manes F.  Clinical Effects of Insular Damage in Humans. Brain structure & function 2010
Sposato L, Saposnik G. Gross Domestic Product and Health Expenditure Associated With Incidence, 30-Day Fatality, and Age at Stroke Onset: A Systematic Review. Stroke 2011
Riveros R, Manes F, Hurtado E, Escobar J, Martin-Reyes M, Cetkovich M, Ibanez A.  Context-sensitive social cognition is impaired in schizophrenic patients and their healthy relatives. Schizophrenia research 2010
Huepe D, Roca M, Salas N, Canales-Johnson AF, Rivera-Rei A, Zamorano L, Concepcion A, Manes F, Ibanez A.  Fluid intelligence and psychosocial outcome: From logical problem solving to social adaptation. PloS One 2011
Gleichgerrcht E, Torralva T, Roca M, Pose M, Manes F.  The role of social cognition in moral judgment in frontotemporal dementia. Social Neuroscience 2010 10.5498/wjp.v4.i3.56
Gleichgerrcht E, Chade AR, Torralva T, Roca M, Manes F.  Comparing the Neuropsychiatric Profile of Patients with Alzheimer Disease Who Present Spared versus Impaired Executive Functioning. Current Gerontolology and Geriatrics Research 2011
Roca M, Gleichgerrcht E, Torralva T, Manes F.  Cognitive Rehabilitation in Posterior Cortical Atrophy. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 2010
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