Nueva Publicación: Heart evoked potential triggers brain responses to natural affective scenes: A preliminary study.

Nueva Publicación: Heart evoked potential triggers brain responses to natural affective scenes: A preliminary study.

Autores: Couto B, Adolfi F, Velasquez M, Mesow M, Feinstein J, Canales-Johnson A, Mikulan E, Martínez-Pernía D, Bekinschtein T, Sigman M, Manes F, Ibanez A.

Auton Neurosci. 2015 Jul 3. pii: S1566-0702(15)30007-2. doi: 10.1016/j.autneu.2015.06.006

The relationship between ongoing brain interoceptive signals and emotional processes has been addressed only indirectly through external stimulus-locked measures. In this study, an internal body trigger (heart evoked potential, HEP) was used to measure ongoing internally triggered signals during emotional states. We employed high-density electroencephalography (hd-EEG), source reconstruction analysis, and behavioral measures to assess healthy participants watching emotion-inducing video-clips (positive, negative, and neutral emotions). Results showed emotional modulation of the HEP at specific source-space nodes of the fronto-insulo-temporal networks related to affective-cognitive integration. This study is the first to assess the direct convergence among continuous triggers of viscerosensory cortical markers and emotion through dynamic stimuli presentation.


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