Researching the invisible: Multi-methodological developments in cognitive translatology

Researching the invisible: Multi-methodological developments in cognitive translatology

AUTORES García AM & Giozza M
JOURNAL Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice
VOLUMEN Volume 27, 2019 – Issue 4: Cognitive explorations of translation and interpreting
ABSTRACT Much like other trends in translation and interpreting studies (TIS), cognitive approaches have long been marked by methodological challenges. Pioneering process-oriented works were mainly informed by speculative descriptions of carefully selected texts, which limited their validity, generalizability, and scientific robustness at large. Many of these problems were partially circumvented by the emergence of empirical (including experimental) approaches, as these allowed collecting actual evidence on the mental operations involved and forging more objective accounts of the phenomena under scrutiny. Yet, for all their benefits, empirical approaches to cognitive TIS are typified by an essential paradox: whereas empiricism requires observation of concrete data, mental operations are literally non-observable. The works included in the present special issue showcase the variety of methodological approaches with which this apparent paradox can be overcome. At the same time, the diversity of topics addressed in these works further attests to the distinct capabilities of each method while illustrating the breadth of cognitive TIS.
La traductología cognitiva ha experimentado un crecimiento sustancial en las últimas décadas, principalmente gracias a diversos desarrollos metodológicos. Hoy es posible estudiar los procesos internos de la traducción y la interpretación mediante técnicas muy diversas, como protocolos de pensamiento en voz alta, análisis de córpora, monitoreo de actividad ocular, keylogging, paradigmas psicolingüísticos, evaluaciones neuropsicológicas y múltiples herramientas neurocientíficas. Gracias a este repertorio, la traductología cognitiva ofrece provechosas aproximaciones multinivel para caracterizar dos actividades centrales en un mundo plurilingüe y globalizado.


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