Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A.  How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder. PloS One 2014

Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A.  How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder. PloS One 2014

How do you feel when you can’t feel your body?: Interoception, functional connectivity and emotional processing in Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder.

Autores Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A. 
Año 2014
Journal  Sedeño L, Couto JB, Melloni M, Canales-Johnson AF, Yoris A, Velásquez M, Barttfeld P, Sigman M, Kichic R, Bekinschtein T, Ibanez A. 
Volumen 9:e98769
Abstract  Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder (DD) typically manifests as a disruption of body self-awareness. Interoception defined as the cognitive processing of body signals has been extensively considered as a key processing for body self-awareness. In consequence, the purpose of this study was to investigate whether there are systematic differences in interoception between a patient with DD and controls that might explain the disembodiment symptoms suffered in this disease. To assess interoception, we utilized a heartbeat detection task and measures of functional connectivity derived from fMRI networks in interoceptive/exteroceptivo/mind wandering states. Additionally, we evaluated empathic abilities to test the association between interoception and emotional experience. The results showed patient´s impaired performance in the heartbeat detection task when compared to controls. Furthermore, regarding functional connectivity, we found a lower global brain connectivity of the patient relative to controls only in the interoceptive state. He also presented a particular pattern of impairments in affective empathy. To our knowledge, this is the first experimental research that assesses the relationship between interoception and DD combining behavioral and neurobiological measures. Our results suggest that altered neural mechanisms and cognitive processes regarding body signaling might be engaged in DD phenomenology. Moreover, our study contributes experimental data to the comprehension of brain-body interactions and the emergence of self-awareness and emotional feelings.
Otra información  En este estudio del LPEN-INECO-NUFIN reportamos afectación de la interocepción y empatía en el trastorno de despersonalización (TD), consistentes con un patrón de alteración de la conectividad funcional del cerebro a nivel general y en particular de las redes de la ínsula, el cíngulo y la corteza somatosensorial durante estados interoceptivos. Estos resultados evidencian una interacción de procesos corporales y afectivos afectados en el TD.


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